Frequently Asked Questions
Where will the seminar be held?
The seminar will take place at Neumann University, 1 Neumann Drive, Aston, PA, 19014.
Where should I go when I arrive?
Enter the campus and follow the signs for parking and check-in at the dormitories. HOBY volunteers will be there to greet and check-in your student.
Do I need to stay for the full weekend?
Yes.​ The seminar weekend is a packed itinerary starting from check-in on Friday morning through closing ceremonies on Sunday afternoon. If you are nominated to attend the seminar and find you can no longer make the scheduled dates for any reason, please contact recruitment@hobypaeast.org as soon as possible.
When is drop-off/pick-up?​
Student attendees should expect to arrive early on Friday morning (usually before 8:30am) and be picked up early-to-mid-afternoon on Sunday (usually 2:30-3:00pm, with a family & friends program and closing ceremonies immediately prior). All firm details for drop-off and pick-up will be sent to attendee emails.
*Please note we cannot accommodate late pick-up times on Sunday afternoon.
What kind of program is planned?
During your HOBY Leadership Seminar, many dynamic leaders - all volunteers from the fields of business, education, government, and other professions - will address aspects of our changing world and the challenges future leaders will confront. The program will not promote any specific political party, religion, or way of thinking; but is designed to develop critical thinking skills by actively involving participants in discussions and informal debates. During the seminar, you will be asked to undertake a community service project involving at least 100 hours during the year following your seminar, to make a difference in your school, community, place of worship, or another environment where you see a need. The program also includes outstanding speakers, leadership activities, social events, and a special closing ceremony to conclude the weekend.
What are the accommodations like?
Participants will be assigned to suite-style dorm rooms with up to two participants in each room (up to four per suite) on floors reserved exclusively for the seminar. Bedding is NOT provided and the rooms can get cold, so participants will need to bring their own bed linens, pillows, and blankets. Toiletries will not be provided, including hand soap for the suite bathroom. Everyone will receive nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and dinners beginning with Friday lunch (breakfast is not included on arrival day) and concluding with Sunday lunch. On the Medical History Records Form, please indicate any special dietary considerations, including vegetarianism, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
What if I need to take medication while I am at the seminar?
Please provide information about your medication on the Medical History Records Form and bring the Physician Medication Verification Form with you to the seminar (documents are included in this form set). Make sure to read and comply with the Policy for Use of Medication During a HOBY Event.
If necessary, how may I be contacted during the seminar?
Parents, friends, and family members are discouraged from calling students during the seminar due to the disruption this can cause to panels and activities. In case of emergency, your parent(s) or guardian(s) may call the Corporate Board President, Lori Cahill. The seminar will be chaperoned by qualified adults who will be staying at the facility 24 hours a day.
Who pays for the seminar?
Your school, caregiver, or sponsor has paid a Registration Fee and will provide transportation to and from the seminar. If you are unsure if you paid the registration fee, please email recruitment@hobypaeast.org with your full name and the name of the high school you attend. All costs for meals, lodging, and training materials have been generously provided by sponsors throughout our state, including businesses, foundations, individuals, and service organizations wishing to support leadership education.
What should I wear to the seminar?
Friday morning/afternoon - Please arrive in smart casual attire. Please note some activities may require sitting on the ground outside. Be sure to dress in non-ripped, and presentable clothes for your arrival on Friday. Shoes should be comfortable and easy to walk around campus as needed.​
Friday evening - casual wear for evening social activities. Bring your favorite “team” gear to change into - this can be sports (professional, college, school, town, etc), your favorite school shirt or colors, or any other team attire you may have (favorite club, leadership group, etc).
Saturday (service project) - A HOBY t-shirt will be provided for you to wear on Saturday. We may be doing outdoor and/or intensive work. Jeans and closed-toe shoes are required.
Saturday evening - casual wear for evening activities. We will have a Talent show at night and a chance to change into different casual attire, if desired.
Sunday - “dress to impress” attire. For our closing day and ceremonies, break out your dress attire! Feel free to come in Sunday best, something a little festive, or something else to celebrate everything you’ve accomplished this weekend. Whatever makes you feel your best! Remember you’ll still need to be in sessions for most of the day, so choose your clothing with that in mind.
What about religious services?
Religious services will not be offered during the seminar weekend.
What transportation arrangements have been made?
You are responsible for your own transportation to and from the seminar. Please include all details of your itinerary on the enclosed Participant Confirmation Form. If you have last-minute transportation problems, please notify recruitment@hobypaeast.org.
What if I am unable to attend the seminar?
If circumstances arise that prevent you from attending the entire seminar, including overnight or any portion of the weekend, we would like to give another student the opportunity to attend. Please email recruitment@hobypaeast.org.
What safety precautions are you taking in regard to COVID-19?
For our 2025 seminar, Neumann University and HOBY Pennsylvania East will follow CDC guidelines as necessary. All attendees are strongly encouraged to be up-to-date on any recommended vaccinations. We do have at least one registered nurse on-site at all times for any health concerns.
What about Parents/Caregivers?
Please check out our Parents Page for further information about the family and friends program and information.
Whom may I contact should I have additional questions?
Contact us at info@hobypaeast.org!